“Sustain Landscapes have been carrying out the grounds maintenance at Houghton Kepier Sports College since May 2010. The improvement in the quality of our grass pitches over the ten months since they took over has been nothing short of remarkable. At the time of me writing this letter (March 2011), our grass football and rugby pitches are in excellent condition, with the vast majority of the pitches still covered in grass and only slight wear to the penalty boxes. There is no doubt that the improved maintenance programme carried out over last summer and this winter has enabled the pitches to stand up to one of the worst winters for many years incredibly well. At a time when the vast majority of grass pitches in Sunderland have been unplayable for months due to waterlogging, we have only lost playing time due to snow or frost, something that nothing can be done about. Sustain are quick to remedy any problems, and we have been so happy with the quality of their service that we have asked them to take over the maintenance of our 3g Astroturf from this spring.”
“I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone looking for a top quality service at an affordable price.”
Dave Brennan, Community Development and Houghton Schools Cluster Manager. March 2011.